Stress to Success: Using the Feel Wheel to Enhance Leadership and Career Advancement

If you’ve ever found yourself stuck in a loop of stress, feeling overwhelmed or just plain worn out, you’re not alone. We all face emotional challenges, but here's the kicker—those feelings don't just disappear when you ignore them. In fact, they stick around in ways you might not even realize, showing up in your body as tension, headaches, or even chronic pain.

Sound familiar? Let me introduce you to a powerful tool that can help you break free from this cycle: the Feel Wheel.

But before we dive in, let's talk about the connection between your emotions, stress, and your body. Ever heard of the book Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk? If not, grab a copy—it’s a game changer. The book explains how your body holds onto trauma and stress, storing it up like a pressure cooker until it finds a way to release. Sometimes, that release comes in the form of pain.

Here’s the good news: You have the power to do something about it. The first step? Getting real about what you’re feeling.

Why Naming Your Emotions Matters

Think of your emotions like a GPS. If you don’t know where you are, how can you figure out where you’re going? When you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or just off, it’s easy to throw a blanket term like “I’m stressed” over everything. But here’s the thing—stress is just the tip of the iceberg.

This is where the Feel Wheel comes in. It helps you get specific, turning those vague feelings into something you can work with. Are you frustrated, anxious, or maybe even excited but scared? Naming your emotions gives you clarity and control. And when you have that, you can start to change how you react to situations, reducing the toll it takes on your body.

How Emotions Show Up in Your Body

Here’s a quick reality check: Your body doesn’t lie. When you’re holding onto emotions—whether it’s anger, fear, or sadness—they don’t just stay in your head. They show up in your shoulders, your gut, your neck, and more. This is why so many of us feel physically exhausted when we’re emotionally drained.

The Body Keeps the Score goes deep into this, explaining how trauma and unresolved emotions get trapped in the body, leading to chronic pain and other health issues. But here’s the empowering part—you can release that tension. By identifying and processing your emotions, you start to heal, both mentally and physically.

Using the Feel Wheel to Unlock Healing

Ready to put the Feel Wheel into action? Here’s how you can start using it in your daily life:

Step 1: Get Grounded. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, pause and take a moment to breathe. This will help you connect with what’s really going on beneath the surface.

Step 2: Identify Your Emotions. Use the Feel Wheel to dig deeper. Instead of just saying “I’m stressed,” ask yourself, “What am I really feeling?” Maybe it’s disappointment, fear, or even excitement that’s creating tension.

Step 3: Reflect and Release.  Once you’ve named your emotions, take some time to reflect on what triggered them. Then, find a way to release them—whether that’s through journaling, talking it out, or even physical movement.

How Emotions and Pain Are Linked

Let’s talk about pain. If you’re someone who deals with chronic pain, you know how frustrating it can be. What if I told you that some of that pain might be linked to unresolved emotions? It’s not just about what’s happening physically—your emotions play a huge role in how you experience pain.

By using tools like the Feel Wheel, you can start to unpack those emotional layers, easing some of that physical discomfort. When you give yourself the space to feel and process, you’re not just helping your mind—you’re helping your body, too.

Putting It All Together

Here’s your takeaway: Your emotions are powerful, and they deserve your attention. By using the Feel Wheel to identify and process what you’re really feeling, you can reduce your stress and even ease physical pain. So, next time you’re feeling off, don’t brush it aside. Take a moment, use the Feel Wheel, and get specific. Your body—and your bad*ss self—will thank you.

Ready to take the next step?  Try using the Feel Wheel (click here to access a free coaching exercise) daily to check in with yourself, or dive deeper into emotional healing with tools from The Body Keeps the Score. And remember—no apologies, just results.

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van der Kolk, B. A. (2014). The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. Viking


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