Frequently Asked Questions

  • Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, strategy, and courage—qualities every leader needs. I chose “Ally” because I’m here to stand with you as a trusted guide, helping you navigate the complexities of leadership and life. Together, we’ll tap into your inner Athena and bring out the fierce, strategic leader that’s already within you.

  • Coaching is forward-focused and action-oriented. While therapy often dives deep into past experiences and emotional healing, coaching is all about where you are now and where you want to go. We’ll focus on your strengths, goals, and how to create momentum toward the future you’re aiming for, without diving into clinical areas that are best suited for therapy. Unlike mentoring, which tends to be more informal and based heavily on the mentor’s life experiences and advice, coaching is about helping you uncover your own path through guided questions, strategic insight, and accountability that’s uniquely tailored to your goals.

  • While my primary focus is on empowering women leaders, I work with anyone who aligns with my coaching approach and is committed to growth. That said, my programs and expertise are particularly tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities women face in leadership roles, especially when high-pressure environments, like navigating chronic pain or unexpected career transition. If you resonate with my message and are ready to lead with confidence and authenticity, we’re a good fit, regardless of gender.

  • I offer flexible options based on your needs, whether it’s a single session, a package, or a program. Payment plans are available to make the investment more manageable, because I believe in making this work accessible while still delivering high-value results. We can find a solution that fits your budget and goals.

  • Yes! I offer a free self-guided program called “Align Your Goals with What Matters Most.” It’s a quick but powerful introduction that gives you actionable steps in under 10 minutes. You can also join my waitlist for upcoming resources, workshops, and early access to new offerings.

  • The first step is simple—book a discovery call or dive into one of my self-guided programs. During the call, we’ll get clear on where you are, where you want to go, and how I can support you in getting there. Ready to make your next move? Let’s do this!